The latest development of the Irwandi Yusuf case at KPK


Jakarta (ANTARA News) – The Commission for the Eradication of Corruption continues to increase funds for Aceh Governor Irwandi Yusuf, who is not active, suspected of corruption because of the Assignment and distribution of the Aceh Special Fund (DOKA) for the year 2018.

KPK on Tuesday examined two witnesses for the suspects of Irwandi, Hendri Yuzal who was a member Irwandi Yusuf and Teuku Saiful Bahri staff of private parties.

"KPK confirmed the knowledge of the witness on the flow of funds for the suspects of Irwandi Yusuf" Febri Diansyah in KPK RI, Jakarta, Tuesday evening (24/7)

In this case, the total KPK has placed four suspects, namely the non-active governor of Aceh Irwandi Yusuf, Regent Bener Meriah inactive Ahmadi, Hendri Yuzal and Teuku Saiful Bahri

In addition, the KPK must also consider Tuesday Irwandi Yusuf as a witness suspect Hendri Yuzal. However, Irwandi was unable to attend because he was in control of the hospital.

"Irwandi is interviewed for the suspect Hendri Yuzal, but this morning, based on referrals of doctors to internal medicine for control purposes," Febri said. Irwandi Yusuf, Hendri Yuzal and Teuku Saiful Bahri, suspected of having given Ahmadi

Alleged by Bener Meriah Regent to Governor of Aceh for an amount of 500 million rupees on 1.5 billion Rp required by the governor of Aceh "fresh" ijon infrastructure development projects from the Aceh Special Autonomy Fund (DOKA) in Aceh province in 2018

The grant is part of a "fee" commitment of 8% that is part of the Aceh government official. any project financed by the DOKA fund

The gift to the Governor is made by persons close to the Governor of Aceh and Bener Meriah Regent who has (19659002) The KPK was still imbued with allegations of prior recipes

In the case of hand-capture operations, the KPK obtains a number of allegedly crime-related evidence, namely 50 million rupees out of 100. The KPK has arrested four suspects in four different locations over the past 20 years. next days Irwandi Yusuf in the Rutan KPK branch behind the Red and White KPK building, Ahmadi in the KPK Rutan branch in Pomdam Jaya Guntur, Hendri Yuzal in the Jakarta Central Police Ritan and Teuku Saiful Bahri in the South Jakarta police

Ahmadi is suspected of having violated Article 5, paragraph 1 The letter b or article 13 of Law No. 31 of 1999 relating to the eradication of corruption, as amended by far. 20/2001

As the alleged consignee, Irwandi Yusuf, Hendri Yuzal and Teuku Saiful Bahri are alleged to have violated Article 12 letter a or Article 12 letter b or l '. Article 11 of Law no. 31/1999 amended by Law no. 20/2001 juncto Article 55 Paragraph (1) of the Penal Code

See also: KPK extends the detention of four suspects of corruption DOKA
Read also: The governor of Aceh denied the flow of funds DOKA
Read also: The Steffy Burase model responds to the KPK's appeal to witness the Aceh Governor's corruption case


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