The Lover of Tasya Kamila reveals the greatest challenge of long-distance dating


TRIBUNNEWS.COM – Tasya Kamila and Randi Bachtiar did not delay getting married.

After becoming engaged on July 1, 2018, they are now starting to broadcast wedding invitations.

According to the Grid.ID's Portrait Watch of invitations broadcast on social media, couples who had woven links between LDR will get married on August 5, 2018.

Recently, Tasya and Randi shared their pre-coverage photos by Instagram.

Less than a week after Halal, Randi Bachtiar exposes the most difficult challenge he faces in his remote relationship with Tasya

Randi unveils it to his pre-photographed photographer, Rio Prasetia

]. Instagram, Randi explains that the most difficult thing about courtship is nostalgia.

Moreover, it takes time for one and the other to become free.


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