The management of healthy water in Banda Aceh attracts a number of investors

[ad_1], BANDA ACEH – Banda Aceh Mayor Aminullah Usman said several companies or investors wanted to invest in the drinking water sector.

"If this is achieved, then the drinking water problem that we face up to now can be solved," said Banda Aceh's mayor in Banda Aceh. Antara, Saturday (3/11)

The mayor said that he could not pbad on companies that wish to invest their capital. The determination of the company will go through the auction process

Aminullah Usman acknowledged that water quality was always a problem.

Himself as mayor continued to work on the problem. In fact, he promised that the problem of safe water would be solved early in 2020.

To solve the problem of drinking water, he said, the city government of Banda Aceh needed a very big budget, which reached 200 billion rupees. Meanwhile, local government budgets are very limited.

"If it is on its own budget, it is clear that the city government is not capable.Therefore we need investors.And now a number of Investors are interested in investing their capital in the drinking water sector, "said Aminullah Usman.

Currently, he said, the city government also continues to work on improving the clean water supply infrastructure with the available budget. Although not exhaustive, the problem of safe water can be solved at some point.

"We continue to work and try to solve this problem of drinking water.We have also promised that the issue of drinking water would be settled by the end of 2019. And we hope that d & # 39; Here the beginning of 2020, drinking water will no longer be a problem in Banda Aceh, "said Aminullah Usman.

<! –, BANDA ACEH – Banda Aceh Mayor Aminullah Usman said several companies or investors wanted to invest in the drinking water sector.

"If this is achieved, then the drinking water problem that we face up to now can be solved," said Banda Aceh's mayor in Banda Aceh. Antara, Saturday (3/11)

The mayor said that he could not pbad on companies that wish to invest their capital. The determination of the company will go through the auction process

Aminullah Usman acknowledged that drinking water is always a problem.

Himself as mayor continued to work on the problem. In fact, he promised that the problem of safe water would be solved early in 2020.

To solve the problem of drinking water, he said, the city government of Banda Aceh needed a very big budget, which reached 200 billion rupees. Meanwhile, local government budgets are very limited.

"If it is on its own budget, it is clear that the city government is not capable.Therefore we need investors.And now a number of Investors are interested in investing their capital in the drinking water sector, "said Aminullah Usman.

Currently, he said, the city government also continues to work on improving the clean water supply infrastructure with the available budget. Although not exhaustive, the problem of safe water can be solved at some point.

"We continue to work and try to solve this problem of drinking water.We have also promised that the issue of drinking water would be settled by the end of 2019. And we hope that d & # 39; Here the beginning of 2020, drinking water will no longer be a problem in Banda Aceh, "said Aminullah Usman.


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