The Minister of Communication and Information invited to speak to Indonesian Facebook to respect the law


Jakarta – The Executive Director of the Indonesian Institute of ICT, Heru Sutadi, has questioned the absence of Facebook Indonesia in a clbad action lawsuit in South Jakarta District Court on Tuesday ( 27.11.2018).

The second clbad action plan was followed by Facebook as defendant I. While Facebook Indonesia as defendant II and Cambridge Analytica as defendant III did not complete the summons.

"We deeply regret the absence of Accused II and III," said Heru.

"For the defendant II, in fact, the event organized by the Ministry of Communication and Information was present several times.People were present.We hope that the Minister of Communication and Information Information will inform Facebook Indonesia to abide by the law in force in Indonesia. "

"The invitation period of the Director General and the Minister of Communication and Information (Facebook Indonesia) arrived, but was invited by the court, she did not come", has he declared.

The clbad action was postponed until March 6, 2019. The decision was made by the panel of judges because the defendant's lawyer had not legalized his embbady attorney from Indonesia to the United States.

On the same occasion, Kamilov Sagala, director of the Institute for the Development and Empowerment of the Information Society (LPPMI), hoped that the missing files could be completed at the next hearing. If not, or if the defendant is again absent, they are considered to have shaken the Indonesian legal system.

"Yes, it destroys the legal system of our country, we are ransacked by other nations, not to mention the companies that must respect the countries that have sovereignty.This country has its leadership, there is sovereignty, it This court is a means by which we seek justice, they do not respect our country, they will not respect us, "he said.

This clbad action is a continuation of the first order of the day of August 21st. At the inaugural hearing at that time, the Facebook party was absent from the audience.

The clbad action against Facebook was led by LPMII and ID-ICT, which called into question the misuse of user data by third parties, namely Cambridge Analytica. As is known, the scandal has resulted in the leak of personal data of 87 million Facebook users worldwide, including one million from Indonesia.

(agt / krs)

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