The Ministry of Foreign Affairs announces the results of the test SKD CPNS 2018, see the announcement here


TRIBUNNEWS.COM – The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia announces the results of the Basic Skills Selection Test (SKD) CPNS 2018, Tuesday (27/11/2018).

The announcement is attached to the letter number: PENGUMUMAN / 23517 / KP / 11/2018/03 on the official page of the CPNS Ministry of Foreign Affairs,

A total of 268 participants pbaded the SKD and were eligible to take the next test, SKB.

The number of successful participants was divided into seven position formations.

Read: Kemenristekdikti announces the presence of 554 additional participants at SKD CPNS 2018, checks the name and location of the exam at this link.

The seven positions are functional diplomats, auditors, planners, personnel badysts, legislative planners, librarians, and computer facilities.

Most of the participants held a functional diplomatic position, ie up to 215 participants.

The other positions are: auditors 17 participants, planners 11, staff badysts 15 participants, scheduling of invitation rules 4 participants, librarians 3 participants and IT institutions 3 participants.

The participants succeeded by fulfilling several criteria based on RB Permenpan No. 37 of 2018 regarding the threshold value SKD CPNS 2018, as follows:

at. SKD thresholds for the general route are: Personal Characteristic Test score (TKP) of 143, General Intelligence Test score (TIU) of 80 and National Insight test score (TWK) of 75.

b. The SKD threshold value of the best male / female streams with cumlaude is as follows: cumulative score of at least 298 with the lowest TIU score of 85.

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