The most dangerous bug on iOS 12.1, the contacts can be seen even if the screen is locked


iOS 12.1
Copyright © Billionaire365 – To provide a solution to some of the previous problems denounced by users of iOS 12. Apple has submitted an update with a number of improvements, but all have not been resolved because some complaints have not received a response from the operating system. iOS 12.1.

However, on iOS 12.1, it is unfortunate that this poses even more serious problems. Because the iPhone lockscreen device that runs the latest Apple operating system is actually very easy to deceive.

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Please note that for the iOS 12.1 operating system, it was officially launched last week with the launch of a number of new products at Brooklyn of Music, New York. In addition to providing updates such as signal problems and beautifying effects, the latest operating system also features some of the latest features.

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Copyright © Special

Even then, iPhone smartphone users who use this version of the operating system should be careful to keep their devices, as their contacts are very vulnerable to infiltration by others. Everything is possible thanks to phone calls.

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From the information obtained from the Forbes page, it was revealed that iOS 12.1 included a gap in the security aspects of the screen lock, so the Face Security System ID and Touch ID present on the device could easily be ignored and directly enter the contact information.

Forbes got this information after learning a video review from a security researcher, Jose Rodriguez, who demonstrated the security flaw through a telephone connection with his iPhone stuck on the screen. In the video, it is clear how easy it is to access the saved contacts.

In addition, thanks to the 3D Touch function, the contact person's data can be viewed from phone numbers, e-mail addresses, etc. "This problem is specific to iOS 12.1 and not in the other versions, and ironically, the higher-clbad iPhone variants are more affected because the old iPhone XR, iPhone SE and iPhone 6 do not have 3D Touch. "For more details, see the video on the link https: // / ojigFgwrtKs.

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