The mother's comment on Tasya Kamila's pledge


– After 5.5 years together, Tasya Kamila and her lover, Randi Bachtiar were finally officially engaged. As is known, they have long established an LDR relationship, since Tasya also gave a lecture at Columbia University, New York, USA. Last May, Tasya officially graduated S2

The news of the engagement of the singer I am the Shepherd Boy was also confirmed directly by Rina, the mother. Through the phone line, he explained the atmosphere of the engagement event that works well and full of happiness.

"(fiancé) Sunday, the 1st of the month is a solemnity, he is family because he meets a big family Yes Randy looks happy yes also yes 5 years.Nong long nunggunya, pity also, "said Rina, Tasya's mother when contacted by phone on Monday (2/7).

  Tasya and his girlfriend getting closer to marriage / Credit: Instagram - tasyakamila Tasya and his girlfriend getting closer to marriage / Credit: Instagram – tasyakamila

The mother also abandoned Tasya to continue the relationship at a more serious level. But unfortunately, when asked about the date of the wedding, Rina admits still do not know for sure

"Seneng has senengaja if my child is happy.He is ready (ready), c & # 39; 39. is age .. He was also graduated S2 26. This is safe, "he continued.

"Find a solemn husband, who knows religion, and then he is well educated, handsome is also ok. (Nikah) Not yet determined, just plan this year," concluded Rina

Once again survived for Tasya and, hopefully all (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns, n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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