The mystery behind the resignation of Widodo Cahyono Putro, Irfan Bachdim is it really the cause?


BOLASPORT.COM – The resignation of Widodo Cahyono Putro of Bali United has left a question mark, rumors have circulated that Irfan Bachdim was the cause.

Bali United has officially ended its collaboration with Widodo Cahyono Putro on Thursday (29.11.2018).

The farewell of Widodo Cahyono Putro was not due to the fact that he had been sacked by Bali United.

According to Widodo, he did not foresee in his contract that the cooperation would end if Bali United swallowed three successive defeats.

However, a question was asked behind the resignation.

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Because, between April and May, Bali United had conceded three successive defeats in the Liga 1 2018, even four times if the match of the AFC Cup 2018 was counted.

Bali United sank 1 to 3 against Global Cebu in the AFC 2018 Cup.

In addition, the team dubbed Private Tridatu lost three times in a row against PS Tira (1-2), Sriwijaya FC (3-4) and with Mitra Kukar (1-3) between late April and early May 2018 .

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