Merdeka.com – The trailing waves missing at the Queen's Harbor about a year and a half ago, Nining suddenly comes back alive. It was still horrible surrounding people.
Narrated this time, Nining took his sister and grandson to bathe in Pelabuhan Ratu. Seeing the waves unfold, they decide to stop. But not with the victim. Nining dragged the waves and disappeared.
Seven days have pbaded, efforts to find Nining stopped. Until the day the local police got news, a body was found. Is it true that it was Nininghilang 1.5 years?
The incomplete body was then transported to the Sukabumi District General Hospital for autopsy and DNA testing. The result was not clear. The body of the woman suspected by Nining was later buried behind the hospital.
A year and a half goes by, Nining suddenly comes back alive. Nining's discovery leaves a mystical story that can be difficult to accept.
1. Uncle's dream
The dream that finally brought Nining back with his family, began from his relatives. In his dream, Jejen the uncle, asked to pick up the woman at Pelabuhan Ratu Station, Citepus Beach.
Not only once, the same dream repeated three times over the months. With his family, Jejen then follows the direction of Nining and leaves for Pelabuhan Ratu, Saturday evening June 30, 2018.
Once there, none of the characters are seen. Throughout their eyes, they only see the sand and the sea. Suddenly, when Ela, her youngest sister, turned to the west, a few hundred meters from the beach. Istiqomah, she saw Nining lying on the beach in a wet state.
2. Still dressed completely
Other quirks that are no less surprising, Nining still wears the same clothes when he is lost 1.5 years ago. The outfit seems intact and does not tear.
"At 00:00, everyone cheered, they found Nining lying on the shore, with exactly the same clothes, pants, and sandals as when they were gone," said Tating, Nining.
Tating believes that his son was found by the power of God. He does not want to badume more, which is important, he is grateful that his son was found alive after one more year gone
"Between confused, shocked and happy, this power of Allah SWT, I do not do not know where he is and where, surely last night he was found and is now at home, "he explained.
3. Found at the same place at the sink
A Once arrived at Pelabuhan Ratu, around 11:50 pm, 10 minutes later, Nining was found lying on the same shore at sunset, with his side tilted towards the ground.
Look at the selection full of videos below: 19659003] [1945900819959009LeretourdeNiningafteranongueabsencecauseunequestionHowcanitarrive?Independentlymystericalhistoriescirculationwithoutthingshavenotcompletelypbaded
Source: Liputan6.com [mg2]
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