The new Nikah, Kimmy Jayanti makes Ngiri receive this luxury car from Greg Nwokolo


  New Nikah, Kimmy Jayanti makes Ngiri awarded this luxury car to Greg Nwokolo

Kimmy Jayanti succeeds in making women jealous of the extravagant gift of her husband.

Kimmy Jayanti seems to be happy. Not only to enjoy his marriage with the footballer Greg Nwokolo which just took place last May. Kimmy has apparently received a special gift from Greg recently.

Through her InstaStory, this 26 year old model uploads a video of obtaining a luxury car prize from a footballer who now grazes at Madura United. Unmitigated, Greg gave Kimmy a yellow Mercedes-Benz luxury car outing wrapped with a gorgeous ribbon.

" Aaaaakkk !!!!! Thank you youuu my love !!! I love you @ greg11n ," Kimmy wrote. " So it's the feeling of being your wife @ greg11n" I wish I could find you sooner !!! "

Kimmy also seemed to welcome the gift he was receiving with joy. He immediately opened the car cover and looked very happy knowing his gift.

Surely this successful post Kimmy has made Internet users jealous. Netizen immediately flooded Kimmy's Instagram account and happily participates in seeing her.
" The happiest of the wives ka kim and greg " commented the story @melati_xx . " It is good to see if you have luxury dikasi wedding gifts, tp kalo that would already date car ngasih2, I'm horrified aje kalo mowed way entarannye ", commented count @mustikaisbad_ . " The other for me that loyal lord ," commented Count @ntarobad .

Meanwhile, recently, Kimmy also uploaded his photo by posing on the side of the road. The post was also able to make people jealous because of Kimmy's slender body that was plastered on the picture.

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