The officer who canceled the testimony of the Prabowo team before the Constitutional Court of TNI-Polri


The legal team of Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Uno plans to present witnesses of law enforcement officers to the lawsuit filed against the presidential election, but is canceled. BPN Prabowo-Sandiaga revealed that the witnesses belonged to TNI and Polri.

"There are officials from TNI, Polri, there are also officials," BPN spokesman Prabowo-Sandiaga, Miftah Nur Sabri, told Prabowo-Sandi Press Center, Jalan Sriwijaya, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, Wednesday (06/19/2019).

But Miftah was reluctant to explain how many witnesses came from the officers who were going to be introduced. Miftah also regretted the cancellation of the presence of witnesses of law enforcement officers because he was summoned by his superior. Therefore, he again emphasized the importance of the protection of witnesses to be submitted to the Constitutional Court.

"There is indeed a state apparatus that is willing to testify, but it is suddenly summoned by its superiors.Therefore is a leak.That is why we felt yesterday the need to ask the group of judges to protect the witnesses, "he said.

"And if the protection of witnesses can be protected later, there will be anonymity but will not be granted," continued Miftah.

Previously, the legal team of Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Uno had declared that it would present witnesses of law enforcement officers in the context of the trial for the presidential election. But that has not been done.

"We already I asked the court, I heard that he had even been called by the army, said the president of Prabowo's legal team, Bambang Widjojanto ( BW), at the headquarters of the Constitutional Court (MK), Jl Medan Merdeka Barat, in central Jakarta, Wednesday (6/19). )

According to BW, witnesses from the law enforcement apparatus did not submit a proposal, the subject having been called by his supervisor. BW stated that he was currently clarifying the summons.

"So I want some clarification, I do not know what propam or these provos I forget, but it's pretty much like that, so you can imagine the situation," BW said.

See also "Witness Prabowo blames Jokowi spokesman for question DP4, reprimanded by Judge MK":

[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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