The original shape of Samsung Galaxy Note 9 was revealed before the release

[ad_1] – Closest to the release schedule, the shape of the Samsung Galaxy Note 9 is clearly revealed. The more information that comes before the release of this Sammy pillar.

Recently, there are reports that mention that Samsung Galaxy Note 9 exists in three color variants. Evan Blbad Twitter account that often gives leaks on the smartphone and various other rumors provide information that the Samsung Galaxy Note 9 will be available in black, blue and brown, as quoted from Phonearena (25/7).

Interestingly, the photo that is uploaded by Evan Blbad with high resolution, so it is very likely. Also do not close this possibility only part of the color prepared by Samsung for Galaxy Note 9. This means, the device will be available more than three color variants. Hopefully.

Samsung Galaxy Note 9 2018

However, if you notice, from the three variants above, only the blue variant has a S Pen Pen with different colors. While two of them (black and brown) have a pen S Pen match with smartphonenya.

I do not know what this means, Samsung's flagship is known to be released on August 9, 2018. Let's wait. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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