The peasant labor force kills his wife for refusing intimate relationships, uncovered because fear haunts his wife

[ad_1] Januri (38) has the heart to kill his wife Sulasmini (37), a resident of Bedingin Village, Todanan Subdistrict, Blora Regency, Central Java, Sunday (11/25/2018).

Sulasmini was strangled to death by her husband on the bed in her room, simply because she refused to have bad.

At that time, the mother of a child was immediately buried in a local public cemetery.

Sulasmini's body was not allowed to undergo an autopsy because his family and the inhabitants were convinced that Sulasmini had died as a result of his death. pecked snake.

This was reinforced by the presence of Sulasmini's neck injury and Januri's provocation, which gave false information.

A few days after the burial of Sulasmini's body, Satreskrim, of the Blora Regional Police, felt that his death was in question and tried to explore the case.

Slowly but surely, the mystery of Sulasmini's death was finally revealed. Sulasmini, who died as a result of his indictment by an indisputable snake.

Her development, Januri, who was hitched up and questioned by the Satreskrim police investigation team of Blora, admitted that she was the culprit who ended Sulasmini's life.

The farmer admitted that he had strangled Sulasmini's neck after his invitation to have bad was rejected.

"The family was shocked by the confessions of the guilty because during all this time, the family relations were very harmonious," said police investigator Blora police, AKP Heri Dwi Utomo, to Kompas.comThursday (29/11/2018).

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