The politician Gerindra Permadi reportedly was missing from the police call


JAKARTA, – Permadi Satrio Wiwoho, party politician Gerindra or commonly called Permadi (74), absent from the call of investigators to be interviewed as a journalist.

Initially he was interrogated on Wednesday (15/05/2019) by investigators of the Ditreskrimsus Polda Metro Jaya.

"There was a meeting of the MPR, so I did not come (answer the call of the investigator)," said Permadi when contacted, Wednesday.

See also: Gerindra Permadi politicians to be examined over Makar's allegations

He is still waiting for the next call to be polled.

"I do not know yet (what is the next call.) As a citizen, I will answer the call," he said.

Meanwhile, Permadi was reported to the Jaya Metropolitan Regional Police by three different people about the alleged spread of hate speech and betrayal.

Read also: Second Call, Permadi and Sungkharisma Locations to be Reviewed on May 17

The three reports are based on social media videos showing Permadi s' expressing during a discussion.

In the video, Permadi, also known as a psychic, allegedly invited the community to commit treason.

Permadi also allegedly spread hate speech by denigrating one of Indonesia's tribes.

Read also: The politicians of Gerindra Permadi have not attended the Criminal Investigations Bureau's examination.

The first report was reported by a lawyer named Fajri Safi on Thursday (05/09/2019).

The second report was made by Stephen Asat Gusma. The third report was presented by the president of the Jakarta Independent Legal Aid Foundation, Josua Viktor. Both reports were made on Friday (05/10/2019).

In the third report, the alleged article is Article 107 KUHP and 110 KUHP combined with Article 87 of the Criminal Code and or Article 4 combined with Article 16 of Act No. 40 of 2008 on the Elimination of Racial and Ethnic Discrimination and Article 14 and 1 of 1946 concerning Criminal Law.

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