The President requests the provision of houses for the ASN, TNI and Accelerated Polri

[ad_1], JAKARTA-President Joko Widodo urged the acceleration of the housing program for civil servants (ASN), TNI and the National Police. Discussions about the housing supply program have been discussed so many times that he wants to know the latest developments of the program.

"I think we talked about it, but I will ask your opinion on what the terrain will be, the goal is clear, so that ASN, TNI and the police are more prosperous," he said. he said Wednesday at a restricted meeting at the office of the presidency to President 11/2018).

The provision of housing will target approximately 945,000 ASN, 275,000 TNI members and 360,000 members of the National Police. The acceleration of the program is thought to have a double effect on economic growth.

At this level, Jokowi wants to know the latest developments in soil preparation, housing form (vertical or horizontal), degree of accessibility of the occupation with the workplace, the funding model. "What kind of funding model can APNB do, it can be BUMN, it can be private," he added.

This housing supply program at ASN, TNI and Polri was launched by the government earlier this year.

Source: Bisnis Indonesia

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