The PUBG game has revived the war mode with new rules


TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Royal Battle Game Playerunknown Battlefields (PUBG) re-introduce War Mode. This time, the mode uses the rule "Huntsmen and Marksmen"

Read: Do you want to survive in a PUBG game?

IGN July 6, 2018, PUBG announces the return of war mode to a post on page Steam July 5, 2018. This mode is part of a special event that begins July 5 2018 at 19:00 PDT (6 July at 9:00) and ends on 8 July at 19:00 PDT (9 July at 21:00).

If in previous events warfare is done on the Erangel card, this battle will be held this time in Sanlok. In addition, this time war could be followed by five teams of 10 people, up from the previous race which only had three teams.

Here are the new rules of this event War Fashion:

Rules of the Huntsmen and Marksmen
-Everything the game takes place inside a small static security zone
-Spawn players will be equipped with rifles, pistols, fragmentation grenades and bandages
-The treatment pack is given every 110 seconds and contains DMR, SR and strong objects. Defeat the enemy will give your team 3 points, the shot earns 1 point
-You will be killed on a plane flying every 30 seconds
-The first team to win 200 points wins
– If there is no team Reaches 200 points after 15 minutes, the team with the most points wins
-Friendly fire (self-winding team) is disabled

Other rules
-Redzone disabled
-Killer spectating disabled

on the PUBG game on the Tekno channel


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