The sad condition of Luna Maya after Syahrini and Reino Barack Married were predicted by Mbak You


SURYA.CO.ID – Mbak You predicts that after the marriage of Syahrini and Reino Barack, Luna Maya's artist will be married tomorrow, February 27, 2019.

As reported by Reino Barack, Luna Maya's ex-girlfriend will marry Syahrini in Tokyo, Japan, tomorrow, February 27, 2019.

Luna Maya attended Reino Barack for five years and broke up a few months ago because Reino Barack's parents did not approve.

Reported by GRID.ID ( group), forecaster Mbak You have examined the current feelings of Luna Maya.

Mbak You said that Luna Maya was very devastated.

"Behind the wedding, there is a heart-wrenching Luna Maya," said Mbak You.

Mbak You also revealed that the closest person Luna could kiss.

"And for the people around Luna Maya, get Luna Maya, listen to him from heart to heart and listen to Luna Maya's complaints," he said.

That's what made Mbak You a little worried about Ariel Noah's ex-lover.

"It's Luna Maya, her mind is uncomfortable, the fear of things that are not desirable," he explained.

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