The song "Again Syantik" Melejit Syahrini asks for confession


JAKARTA – The song "Lagi Syantik" continues to radiate in cyberspace as well as in the real world, on radio and television. On Youtube, the song sung by Siti Badriah was translucent 206 million viewers. This popularity attracted the attention of Syahrini and Aisyahrini, his management,

Syahrini Aisyahrini considered these words taken from the jargon popularized by him. "Miris Unfortunately, other artists who often follow these bright lips, (but) do not admit it.We are friends.Used also, can also money," said Syahrini.

Revealed, spoiled language used Syahrini was also used by Rina Nose at the release of the single "Maju Mundur Cantik". And Syahrini did not care. "I'm not angry, I just need recognition," said Syahrini.

  Siti Badriah. (mia)

S and Badriah. (mia)

While Siti Badriah claims, as a singer, she just brought it. "I forgot." "Only when asked before, huh?" Yes, if you say ngekor, the inspiration can be from anywhere. just live it, "he said.

The song "The Song of Syantik" was created by Yogi RPH. Yogi states, the word "syantik" derived from social media, who usually wrote in spoiled tones. "Same as the call" (read: akiu instead of "I"). Medsos Kan too? Does this belong to anyone? ? "He asked.

Yogi insisted that the song of his creation contained no plagiarism. Yogi RPH also refuted the hypothesis that calling Syrahrini syariah fly

"We do not wear pretty, the title is not the title of their song, nor is the notation, the lyrics are not, the theme is also different, "continues Yogi RPH

Added, the word" syantik "has not been used," so I think it's safe, "a- he said. – dms

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