The story behind the giant arrests of Arapaima in Surabaya Times – VIVA


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VIVA – Residents arrested a giant Arapaima fish at the Surabaya River Gate, Rolak Gunungsari, Surabaya City, East Java, Tuesday morning July 3, 2018. Fishermen had difficulty catching predators fresh water originating in Amazon, America, which is forbidden to live in Indonesian waters.

According to a report received by the director of the Consortium of the Environment, Imam Rohani, residents and fishermen have actually seen the giant fish for two days. They tried to catch it but failed. "At that time, it was thought that the fish was a crocodile," he said on the scene.

Tuesday morning, Arapaima was seen reappearing on the surface of the water. With the help of a small boat, residents then set up a net or net to proceed with the arrest. "Finally managed to be stopped, to break the net," said the Imam.

Hariyanto, the fisherman who caught the fish, tells us that in the beginning he saw the fish swimming near the river. With his friend, Joko, he then boarded a fishing boat that made the scene last week. "I just saw a fish of this size when I was a fisherman for 15 years," he said.

The Arapaima fish caught at Rolak Gunungsari is 1.5 meters long and weighs 30 kilograms. Just placed in the pond, the predator was taken away by the officers at the shelter of the Great Fishing and Quality Control Station or BKIPM Surabaya 2 in Taman, Regency of Sidoarjo

Heboh Sticky Arapaima after villagers Mliriprowo, Tarik District, Regency Sidoarjo, saw the gang a giant fish in the Brantas River early last week. Eight Arapaima captured successfully. So excited, the Minister of Marine and Fisheries, Susi Pudjiastuti, replied

According to him, according to the applicable provisions, the water predator is one of the 152 fish that are forbidden to live in. Indonesia. "Therefore, I call the people who guard the Arapaima fish to hand it over voluntarily to our officers in the area near their home," he told Surabaya, East Java, Monday, July 2, 2018. [19659009] <! –

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