The story of Rafathar asked at the Lamborghini riding school – VIVA


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VIVA – Rafathar Malik Ahmad, only son of Raffi Ahmad and Nagita Slavina, will be three years old in August 2018. However, this month of July, he will already begin to enter kindergarten.

Arrived at Rafathar to go to school, Raffi admitted that the child had asked to buy a bag with the super hero Marvel character, The Avengers

"Want this school he asked for a bag of Avengers, "Raffi said at a meeting in the Kemang region, south of Jakarta on Saturday, June 30, 2018.

This is not the only request Rafathar. Raffi also said that Rafathar asked to be escorted to school by him using the Lamborghini luxury car.

"Aa (Rafathar call) if the school wants to brown Lamborghini pake, but I say," No, motorcycle aja "Yesterday not your sekolah me He used the duck bike, he likes the bikes, "said Raffi.

Meanwhile, for his own school selection, according to Raffi, he and Nagita deliberately chose a school that has a base between religion and education. In addition, Rafathar will go to school later with his cousins ​​

"(School) near the house, the nephew is also there," says Raffi.

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