The Strange Expansion Path Of Jakarta Is Truncated


JAKARTA, – Jakarta Transportation Agency and Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya, have cut several even-odd expansion channel segments. The decision was made because the road was considered too long.

Kasubdit Gakkum Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya AKBP Budiyanto explained that, the road is cut off Jalan Benyamin Sueb from the original 4.07 km to 3.25 km, Tomang region to the pioneers of independence at 21.95 km, and Metro Pondok Indah 6.69 km at 3.85 km.

"The results are based on a joint decision and after making the results of the badessment," said Budiyanto when contacted Sunday (22/7/2018).

See also: Jakarta-Odd Kakorlantas Expansion Solution

Previously, the head of the transport agency (Dishub) Jakarta Andri Yansyah said that the segment was considered an extension and an entourage from athletes (19659002) Andri continued, after being cut the application of even strange expansions in Pondok Indah only valid from Simpang Kartini to Simpang Pondok Indah, South Jakarta. As for Kemayoran from Bundaran Angkasa to Kupingan Ancol.

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