The Times article next to Wisma Athletes will be installed "Sheetpile"


JAKARTA, – Teguh Hendarwan, head of the water resources bureau of DKI Jakarta, said that the edge of Kali Sentiong next to Wisma Atlet, or commonly called Kali Item, will be installed or plaster.

The installation has already been budgeted this year and the auction process has also been completed.

"We want to first spreadsheet now the scene has been contracted," said Teguh when he was contacted Friday (20/7/2018).

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Teguh said, initially sheet a sheet was installed in Kali Sentiong located in the Senen area first. The installation time of the sheet pile to the right and left is about 300 meters

However, Teguh said that the normalization of time could not be done this year.

"He is still upstream from Senen District in central Jakarta," Teguh said.

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However, the cleaning process was done. Teguh said that he has installed aerator technology and nano bubbles for the purification of rivers, but the result is not yet maximal.

Because the volume of water with the number nano bubble is unbalanced. In addition, mud dredging was done. However, it does not remain maximum since it was not installed sheetpile.

"This is just not the maximum depth since we fear a landslide on the right side of the road," says Teguh

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