The truck driver collapsed in the head while he was passing through JORR Toll

[ad_1] – Marthen, a truck driver for Fuso, was stranded as he was crossing the JORR at Pasar Rebo-Cilandak, Jalan TB Simatupang, Pasar Minggu , Jakarta South. The incident occurred Monday (9/7) yesterday

Kapolsek said the victim is currently being treated at Fatmawati hospital due to gunshot wounds just in front of the development project Izzara apartments. The Fuso truck that Marthen used with his colleagues was held or carried a bench or a cinema seat.

"The place is just around Izzara Pasar Minggu, the victim suffered a head injury," Harsono said Tuesday.

Harsono also explained, according to other victims' confessions, that before being hit by a stray bullet, he had heard a voice like a blowout from a gas lighter. Then, the victim suddenly fell with a head injury

When the victim was still at Fatmawati Hospital, South Jakarta, to undergo intensive treatment of gunshot wounds or stray bullets that were natural victims

"We can ask for more from the South Jakarta police because we are supported by the police, while suspicious bullets are misplaced," he said. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns, n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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