The wife of Abdee Slank never wishing to separate from her husband by divorce

[ad_1] – The domestic arch that was captured by Abdee Slank and Anita Desy Farida seems unlikely to be shared again. As on the agenda of the divorce trial this time, where Anita Desy took the witness and continued on the 23rd with Abdee Slank who was present with his witness.

"Today is just a witness, it is my turn to bring witnesses, he has already made his decision already, maybe tomorrow the conclusion on the 23rd. (Witness one) yes a doang, "said Anita Desy Farida, during a meeting at the South Jakarta religious court on Monday (9/7).

if a witness is in fact a problem in itself, since the trial requires two people to testify. But it was made by Anita not without reason, but because she did not want to start a new problem between Abdee and her family.

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"(Just one witness) The problem too, it should be two, but me, because I've lived the same as I am his family, so I call his family time, can be fight, "said Anita

had 2 weeks to find another witness in the trial. Even though Anita herself still hopes not to divide with Abdee through the divorce process

"Given a chance of two weeks nih, nyari still witnesses.If I do not wear, but tepep dipinusin times. (If the missing marriage book) is his coffee recipe there, Sukabumi, hope is still dead, more honorable than a timid divorce, "he concludes.

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