The wife of Ismed Sofyan, Curhat Husband, cheats on TV events, here is the response of the football player


TRIBUNPEKANBARU.COM – Persija Jakarta captain, Ismed Sofyan, spoke of the statement of his wife, Cut Rita, at an event on a private TV channels on Monday (30/7 / 2018)

. Morning Morning television Certainly Happy Cut Rita divulge about the issue of his household.

In the event that Cut Rita confesses that he was deceived by Ismed Sofyan.

Curhatan of Cut Rita makes the news excited

However, Ismed is not too disturbing about it

The reason, the Acehnese footballer is currently in discussion with Persija.

Read: Women confess women footballers Ismed Sofyan Curhat, deceitful husband with the model to his cousin

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In addition, Persija will face the host of Arema FC during the 19th week of Ligue 1 2018 at Kanjuruhan Stadium, Kepanjen, Malang, Sunday (5/8/2018). I think it should not be discussed, yes, all human beings have problems, and every household has problems, "Ismed said at a meeting with in Sutasoma Square, Halim , East Jakarta, Monday (30/7 / 2018) afternoon.

Previously, Cut Rita on a television show accused Ismed of having had an affair with a model until his own cousin

Feeling wounded, the Acehnese woman has already brought an action for divorce in the Depok religious court

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