The yacht ships will be free of tax, the regulations will be completed this year


Jakarta – The government, through the Ministry of Maritime Coordination, has decided to abolish the luxury goods tax (PPNBM) to ship foreign yachts. The legal umbrella is being prepared.

Minister of Maritime Coordination Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan said the legal umbrella will be published this year. These rules will be contained in existing government regulations (PPs) by revising them.

"It's done, we have modified a PP article, it's over, so we do not need any sampling. (Applicability) should be this year," Luhut said in his office in Jakarta on Tuesday. (11.27.2018).

Luhut pointed out that after the publication of the regulations, there was more tax on PPNBM on foreign yachts in Indonesia.

"Yes, there are no levies, the revenues are only a few billion, less than 10 billion rupees.While we open (remove PPnBM), we could possibly get billions of dollars, Potential: Subsequent vessels will be living in Indonesia, serving in Indonesia, Indonesia, "he said.

Luhut therefore confirmed that the removal of the tax would not harm Indonesia. Because the state's revenue potential will be greater later.

"Thus, the person (of PPnBM) only receives the number of billions (rupiahs) .While we open it, we can get a few trillions of dollars because of the use, maintenance and where to stay (yachts), all this, "he explained.

Luhut added that the Tax Branch of the Ministry of Finance was in agreement with the decision. This was also discussed with Tax Director General Robert Pakpahan today. (DNA / DNA)

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