The young man killed because of the falling cliffs of Balangan Bali Beach known as a smart person


TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA – GES (16 years old), the young man who died on the cliff of Balangan Beach, in southern Kuta, Bali, is an intelligent figure.

GES's mother, Yanri (46) the second of two brothers before dying in the second year of Kolose Kanisius High School, Menteng, Central Jakarta.

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GES can enter SMA Kolese Kanisius because of his skill since elementary school.

His son was often ranked first in his study results during the school years

Therefore, GES is admitted to an accredited Canadian high school with a strict admission requirement. 19659002] It is to make the GHG feel more intense competition so that it is more active learning

"We are afraid that our child is in the wind, never seen outside. On the outside there are still a lot of big, there are still people Yanri said that the result of the persistence of GHGs by studying again was seen when he was at Kanisius College.

Although Not always ranked one for six semesters at Canisius Junior High College, GES once again won the award as the overall champion when he graduated.

"Always (can clbadify), but sometimes one, sometimes two. Until he graduated from college to become the overall champion. Kan if the newsletter was six semesters, he may be the six-semester champion. That's why he can pin two, be rewarded, "Yanri said.

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