The Zainal flower is upset with the Selebgram

[ad_1] – Currently to become famous does not have to appear on TV. Social media especially instagram, people can quickly famous even have a lot of fans. The so-called celebrity or celebrity instagram even has more followers than artists. Regarding the phenomenon of the program, the artist Flower Zainal also spoke

"Different yes, I do not really want to defuse them … There may be intelligent programming, yes I greet, but if you like the sensation, the controversy and the sociable style or the dating is boring really hell.She can say, 'baseball there is no clbad' There are some who followersnya more than the artist I just want to ask, lo who the heck? ", said Zainal Flower when found in Mampang Prapatan, South Jakarta, Friday (6/7)

  Flower Zainal speaks to be compared to the program © Akrom Sukarya Zainal Flower speaks for comparison with the program © Akrom Sukarya

his experience when he had an employment offer then compared with a program that has more followers from him. He said that he was very upset and that he did not accept

"I have a good baseball experience, so there is an offer of employment and he compares my followers to the same programming. I asked him what he was doing. old vacuum cleaner and baseball exist now but please google deh his name and me, in the entertainment world I have a course, I have a price, I play a lot of movies, which is -he? "says Zainal Flower.

" So if I compare it as baseball can accept hell From there like kok people can you famous sosmed .. Lo do something viral, you can invite TV .. a little confusing but yes people can do "The Movie Star THE PERFECT MARRIAGE .

Not only that, Flower Zainal also tells the story of one. friend filming a movie with a programmer that his attitude was not exemplary.So, Bungan is more and more annoyed by the numbers of the program.

"Only I have a story, it n & # 39; There's never a movie in the movie as part of the programming I think baseball is exemplary.Continuously it's arrogant really it was spinning the same thing as it already has telatnya mercy, already 5 hours continue its style is arrogant, he said that we are in a position to take him for the first picture with his fans.Ac Basically, the basic program is like this baseball is not going to go ahead. Although this is not the case for all these programs, Bunga believes that there are many other programs that are successful and that we want to learn. "It depends if he is programmed he has the ability, want to learn, the arrogant style of baseball then baseball is really controversial, maybe go ahead yes, everyone has the right to to advance hell "

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