There are 5 basic skills test sessions of the CPNS 2018, participants must present one hour before


JAKARTA, – The National Public Service Agency (BKN) asks each participant to select the Basic Skills (SKD) of Future 2018 Public Servants (CPNS) to attend instead of the test an hour earlier.

Mohammad Ridwan, head of BKN's public relations office, said the BKN had been implemented because of the many preparations to be made before the test.

"Because there is a physical examination, identity checks, various things come into the room, including an explanation on how to fill it," he said at the time. a press conference at BKN headquarters in East Jakarta on Wednesday (10/24/2018).

Later, there will be five test sessions using the National Computerized Examination Network (UNBK) belonging to the Ministry of Education and Culture.

Read also: 146 institutions did not report the results of the selection of the administration of the CPNS 2018

A session lasts 90 minutes, during which participants must work on 100 elements.

The first session starts from 8:00 to 21:30, the second session from 10:00 to 11:30, the third session from 12:00 to 13:30, the fourth session from 14:00 to 15:30 and the last session from 16:00 to 17:00.

He added that he could add an extra session if forced, namely from 18:30 to 20:00.

On Friday, the maximum number of sessions held is five times.

Also read: This is a list of 32 CPNS test sites using the UNBK from the Ministry of Education and Culture

He gave an example, for example someone who had the fourth session at 14:00. The person must have arrived one hour before.

"We thought they had to have it an hour before the session – friends who already knew it would be for the fourth session had to be at maximum for an hour," he explained.

This step is the next step for candidates who have pbaded the administrative selection. The SKD stage will take place from October 26 to November 17.

When selecting the CPNS in 2018, two types of computer-badisted tests (CATs) were used, namely the CAT BKN and the National Computerized CAT Exam (UNBK) belonging to the Ministry of Education and Training. of the culture.

CAT BKN has 237 points including 26 points at BKN Regional Office, BKN UPT and BKN Headquarters; 193 points in the province / district / city and 18 points in the central body.

Meanwhile, the CAT UNBK of the Ministry of Education and Culture is held at 32 locations.

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