There are no prices too high on the market – VIVA


VIVA – President Joko Widodo called for checking prices in traditional markets, to ensure that there were no screaming supporters at high prices. According to him, the cry has made people, and especially mothers, reluctant to shop at the market.

"Do not let anyone shout at the market for high prices, market traders can all become furious later.No mother goes to the market to shop at Hypermaket, at the mall, how about that market?" The traditional market is the cheapest market. Do not let anyone enter the market, tell him that it is expensive. People will no longer dare to go to the market. Be careful, "said Jokowi after checking prices in the traditional market, Bogor Market, Tuesday evening, October 30, 2018.

Jokowi then bought a lot of tempeh from traders. He said that there was no change of tempeh, both in size and in price. He claimed to deliberately check the market at night so he could check prices a lot and not jostle with other buyers.

"Buy a lot of tempeh, yes, I like the temple from the beginning.By checking directly, the price increases or not.The price is fixed, the size is also.I see it myself.It remains ( unchanged). "The night, the one who just bought me," said Jokowi, was greeted by the laughter of people around him.

To the question of whether you feel guaranteed? Jokowi was reluctant to comment, but he invited the public to check on the market immediately. "Yes, just look directly at the market.Just look at the market.I will not make a lot of comments, just look directly at the market," said Jokowi.

In case of price increase, Jokowi promised to direct directly to the relevant departments to solve the problem. Including, maintain price stability in the market.

"Because we are there is something that goes up (like) eggs." I would also order the Department of Commerce and the Minister of Agriculture to also maintain price stability. "Farmers will be too cheap, later farmers will scream at the loss. It will not balance things. It will be difficult to say. It will be said that it is expensive, which is raging for mothers, "said Jokowi.

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