There is a bug on Windows 10 damaging Windows Media Player


Jakarta, Selular.ID – On Windows 10, the October update (1809) was a problem.

Users who installed Windows 10 Update 1809 Build 17763.134 (KB4467708) and Build 17763.107 (KB4464455) found this error.

The problem would be that the video player of the computer does not work perfectly.

Reported Digital Trends, based on information from the official Microsoft page,
the problem occurs because of an error (bug).

This bug apparently caused a problem in Windows Media Player, the default Windows 10 application used to play multimedia files such as movies and songs.

When the application is used to read specific files, users can not use the search bar at the bottom of the screen and usually work to display the time position of the current movie and song.

This does not seem too serious, but this problem prevents users from speeding up and switching to the specific part of the movie or song.

In order not to stay in trouble,
According to Microsoft, the bug still concerns the development team and repairs will soon be released as updates in the near future.

This version of October (1809) of Windows Update is indeed known to be prone to many problems.

This update was temporarily stopped and canceled last week. We do not know yet when Microsoft will roll out the next update to fix this bug.

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