These 5 health problems often occur in premature babies, were experienced by the children of Cynthia Lamusu


TRIBUNNEWSBOGOR.COM – Waiting for the birth of a child in the womb is fun and exciting.

All parents must expect that their child will be born on time and born in good health and safety.

However, a number of conditions result in premature or commonly premature birth of the uterine babies.

Babies are called premature babies, usually when they are born before 37 weeks of pregnancy.

When a baby is born early or prematurely, the system of his body is immature.

Preterm babies born prematurely make them vulnerable to various diseases.

In addition, premature babies do not yet have organs really ready to function on their own.

"Prematurity spans a wide spectrum," said Eugene Ng, neonatologist and head of pediatric newborn development and training at Toronto's Sunnybrook Health Sciences Center.

Eugene Ng explained that babies born early around 23 weeks will survive, but babies born before 37 weeks are considered premature.

"The likelihood and severity of complications will decrease because babies are born more and more mature," said Eugene Ng.

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