These students create sophisticated smartphone bosses

[ad_1] – A student from Aalen Universtiy in Germany has designed a sophisticated smartphone protection case. Maybe the protector of this smartphone is like an airbag in the car.

As reported Motherboard and TechRadar On Sunday (1/7), the case of this smartphone is fully designed to protect a violent collision when the camera fell off. A height.

According to media reports, the author of the project was Philip Frenzel. Frenzel has designed airbags for smartphones for 4 years. His work was part of the final project of his school.

Frenzel thought of designing it after several smartphones crashed and the screen broke or suffered physical damage.

In case design

The four arms are hidden and used only when a small sensor inside the case detects that the smartphone is in free fall.

For his brilliant work, Frenzel recently received an award in the field of German mechatronics. Society for Mechatronics. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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