They chose to survive at Mount Agung Hut


Karangasem, Bali (ANTARA News) – The faces of the residents of Dusun Kesimpar, Besakih village, Karangasem Regency, Bali, have a sense of annoyance. Their residence is within 4 kilometers of the summit of Mount Agung.

The appointment of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Ignasius Jonan for that they are not carried out by hundreds of residents of Dusun Kesimpar because they prefer to stay in UPTD Refuge Agriculture , Rendang District "Even though the government calls residents outside the 4-kilometer radius to return home, our family within a 4-kilometer radius prefers to remain displaced because I'm afraid of not being able to save myself in case of eruption. "Wayan Mukun, a resident of Dusun Kesimpar, Besakih Village, Karangasem, Bali (4/7).

The desire of people to survive in evacuation is not without reason. 39 state of the residential roads in the hamlet that has been severely damaged and is the only one-way vehicle to get to a place of escape safer.If something happens, it will be difficult to

The total number of refugees in Dusun Kesimpar was 205 people who chose to survive, even making temporary shelters (huntara) in bamboo independently and with private funds.I did not planned to go home before the state of the mountain is perfectly normal and safe for residents to return home.I know the call of this minister, but people are still waiting for normal mountain conditions from other residents of Dusun Kesimpar who also chose to stay in evacuation with all the members of his family, considering that his disaster is a disaster-prone road which is also the place of the material path of the mountain of the main god

is the only main road traveled by the residents of Dusun Kesimpar to save themselves from the danger of the eruption of Mount Agu If this happens again

Merta's house at the foot of Mount Agung became the reason why he chose to stay in the refugee camp. However, his camp has an alternative plan if the refugees are not allowed to stay at the UPTD Agriculture Post, he is looking for another place to evacuate his family

"I chose to stay in the refugees because the night in this hamlet heard the roar of the Supreme Mount is very hard, for example, the refugees here do not receive logistical support, me and other refugees will buy theirs.More importantly, the refugees are safe here, "he said, beyond a 4-kilometer radius of the summit of Mount Agung, however he also chose to flee with his relatives for fear of the erratic activities of Mount Agung in this moment.

"Residents built temporary shelters by mutual help and mutual help." The feeling of concern with the state of activity of Mount Agung

The reason for the refugees make temporary shelters because the cold of the night makes them pierce the body if they sleep in the Wantilan Agriculture UPTD, Rendang village that was provided to them so that they choose to build a temporary shelter.

(19659002) "The government does not prohibit refugees from building temporary shelters in the area, but it should not damage pepper plants and gumiti grown by local authorities," he said. he says. if the activity of Mount Agung is more and more uncertain, it will not be stretched the number of refugees coming to the place. It will not close the door either to refugees who want to come to UPTD Agriculture because temporary dwellings in the garden are based on the aspect

Banjar siaga

The Mount Agung refugees' desire to stay at refugee camp The Minister of Social Affairs provided basic health care to 4,894 refugees through the Karangasem Regency Government, which reached Rs 156 million. 240 packets of logistics

Hundreds of packages A, B and C contain 20,000 masks, 90 back biscuits, 20 soy sauce, 20 sambel backs, 60 kidsware packs, 60 family kit packs, 20 packs of clothing, 200 blankets and the individual dishes of 240 packets A, B and C should ease the burden of refugees.

"Although this aid is not important enough, the most important is the food, mutations, and drugs must remain that," said Idrus Marham during the monitoring Post Gunung Agung, Village Rendang, Karangasem.

The Minister of Social Affairs has not stopped asking the Karangasem Regency to make details of the elements needed by the At his visit, the Minister of Social Affairs also stressed that the regional government continues to monitor all the needs of Mount Agung refugees so that they are truly satisfied without the slightest deficiency. also. It is also the order of President Joko Widodo

The central government is ready to help whatever refugees need. However, it still needs to be submitted by the local government, such as rice, side dishes, ready meals and the clothes and medicines that refugees need.

He is very appreciated for the support of Banjar Siaga. He is armed with the experience of Mount Agung eruption in 1963 and 2017 so that they have a lot of experience in disaster management. "I encourage every banjar to be a vanguard in disaster preparedness and ready to provide services to the existing community".

For the availability of rice for refugees, the Minister of Social Affairs Idrus believes that the local government has also prepared everything and is sufficient for refugees up to 3 nd (19659002) It is also justified by the secretary Karangasem Regional Gede Adnya Mulyadi

The presence of the Minister of Social Affairs is also to ensure the situation of the activity of Gunung Agung, who received explicit explanations from the PVMBG officer? from Gunung Agung is not significant and disturbing for citizens.

"My arrival here also wants an explanation from the PVMBG officers and explanations from the local government about what refugees need, whether they are served or not," he said. Regarding the return of refugees to their home within a radius of 4 kilometers, Idrus says it depends on the indications of the impact of Gunung Agung's activities

All communities must remain cautious and remain in the community. 39, deviation from the danger radius of Gunung Agung. which was submitted PVMBG agent. That's because breakouts are hard to predict. However, he continues, efforts to anticipate the safety of the community remain the main ones

(T.KR-SRW / D007)

Editor: Suryanto

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