This 3 applications online pilot Ojek in solidarity action in Bojongsoang


Jabar Tribune Journalists, Mumu Mujahidin

TRIBUNJABAR.ID, BOJONGSOANG – Motorcycle taxi drivers online demanded three things in the solidarity action that he did on Jalan Raya Bandung-Bojongsoang, Friday (27/07/2018).

"We held a meeting with the elderly representatives of a biker group online, they delivered three things, the first that they wanted to meet with opang to eliminate the red zone for the ojol in the kasawan, "said Indra Hermawan. (19659003) Then the ojol party asked the police to continue to make legal efforts against the perpetrators of violence and the destruction of motorcycles this afternoon

Setya Novanto in the prisons, Menkumham call it not a cell https : // via @tribunjabar

– Jabar Tribune (@tribunjabar) July 27, 2018

"The law remains enforced, our investigator I work, so please please give him time and they (ojol) understand him, "he said.

Then the third shot tomorrow the police plan will bring back the two parties to discuss the basic issue.

"Investigators are working to make efforts to capture the perpetrators," he said.

Previously, ojek drivers online were trying to force into the motorcycle taxi business. (19659012) • Today, the highest wave of the south coast of West Java potentially reaches 5 meters

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