This appearance of a gun used to kill a dentist in Sampang


SURABAYA, – The police secured the gun used by the dental craftsman shooter in Sampang, East Java. The police will also determine from where the author of the pistol got the weapon.

The head of public relations of the East Java Regional Police, Sr. Frans Barung Mangera, said that the gun was not a homemade pistol, as said the author to the police at beginning of the examination.

"The gun used is a 32-gauge Baretta product," Barung said Wednesday (28/11/2018).

Read also: The police were victims of shooting of dentists in Sampang

However, the manufacturer's gun is not an organic gun commonly used by TNI and Polri.

This gun manufacturer can belong to the general public. "From where the weapon was obtained by the author, until now, investigators are still under investigation," Barung said.

Police suspect that the gun is not a gun badembled, very regular shape, from the entrance of the ball to the exit hole of the bullet.

The gun belongs to Andika, who was used to kill Subaidi, Wednesday afternoon (21/11/2018) in the village of Sukobanah Laok, Sokobanah district, in the regency of Sampang.

The shotgun released by Andika hit Subaidi's right chest to penetrate his back.

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Both were involved in a duel after insulting each other on Facebook social networks. Subaidi uses a sharp weapon, while Andika carries a gun.

"Regarding the reasons for his murder, the police are still investigating him.Is it true that they insult or that there are other reasons," Barung said.

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