This arapaima fish site is maintained before being discarded in the Brantas River

[ad_1] – The owner of the fish Arapaima Gigas, HG, a resident of the village of Trosobo, Taman District, Sidoarjo Regency, until Monday (2/7), did not not provided official information on the release of predatory fish in the Brantas River. (19659002) But according to the description, the fish were kept long enough and the quantity is very important in the pond located in the PT Sumber Mas Karya Kimia warehouse, in the village of Canggu , sub-district of Jetis, Mojokerto, property of GH. 19659003] "The fish have been kept here for a long time, the numbers can not count, just as much," said one of the warehouse guards on Monday (2/7).

The location of Arapaima Gigas pond in the warehouse On Canggu Highway, Jetis district is at the back. According to information, the pool is closed and is no longer used. In addition to the warehouse staff, guests are not allowed to enter or see the pond.

"Now it is not worn, the fish has been moved, it can not enter the farmhouse"

[19659003] As is known dozens of fish tail Arapaima Gigas , successfully stopped the residents along the flow of the river and Mojokerto Brantas Dam Rolak door 9. From the description of the residents, in the Brantas River region has 16 Arapaima fish caught by the citizens. Resident fish was cut and sold the meat. (19659003) In addition to the Brantas River, Monday (2/7) morning, residents again arrested two Arapaima Gigas fish in the Brangkal River, which is a subagi child from Brantas, in the Sinoman sub-district of the Kulon Warrior. , city of Mojokerto. After being successfully captured, the two fish then moved to the channel of the river in the village of Sinoman.

The fish has become a spectacle of citizens. Hundreds of people flocked to see the Arapaima fish are now more crowded in the discussion of the different parts. "This fish will always be sold to anyone who wants to buy," said Heru Wijayanto, a fisherman who caught the fish on Monday (2/7). (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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