This Indentity 3 of 7 Witnesses Reviewed KPK OTT Lamsel Regent


BANDAR LAMPUNG ( – KPK RI has finally completed the examination of 7 witnesses related to the OTT project in the South Lampung Regency on Monday (30/7/2018).

The investigator of KPK Nurgoho said that 7 people had been interrogated, 3 from the Regency of South Lampung, namely Vice Regent Lamsel Nanang Ermanto, the head of Bina Marga Dinas PU Lampung Selatan Yudi, and an employee of Satpol PP who served in the protocol Pemkab Lampung Selatan Nindi

Then, 4 other unknown identity, and a driver who is also unknown identity

"In control 7 people, who checked 7 people, 3 private staff (CV 9 dragons), from the district government there are 3, including vice-regent, Bina Marga chief, one from Pemkab, and there are pilots, but the details that I have; I have kept in baseball, because that's for the task, "he told on Monday (30/7/2018).

Nugroho did not specify, technical review, but he mentioned that there are 4-5 questions from each witness. "Yes, there are 4-5 pages (question)," he said.

Monitoring, about 7 KPK investigators leave Mapolda Lampung with 3 units of cars. By observation, the investigators of the anti-rasuah institution brought 1 red suitcase, 1 blue suitcase and 1 black backpack, and two cartons containing the document.

In addition, 3 people are suspected of being staff members of CV 9 who came out of Subdit III of Ditreskrimsus Polda Lampung, at 15:30. The three men wore black shirts, black monkeys and one with a black jacket. Unfortunately, the three people were reluctant to be interviewed and hurriedly left the Lampung Police Headquarters.

Previously, one of the women who claimed to be a protocol employee named Nindi was leaving the Lampung Police Headquarters around 1450 after being interrogated by the KPK. "Concerning the work, correspondence, (the project)", he said leaving the Lampung police headquarters around 15:00


Adi Sunaryo



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