This is a uniform wand concerning the limitation system of vehicles related to the Asian Games


Jakarta – Hosting the 2018 Asian Games, the Jakarta Transportation Agency, Polda Metro Jaya Traffic Division and other stakeholders expanded the area and extended the time limitation of the vehicle system. Even wheels,

The purpose of the expansion of the area and the extension of the Odd-Even Time is that the safety, security, order and fluidity of the traffic (Kamseltibcar Lantas) during the 2018 Asian Games remain well preserved. For the athlete and the official activities, including community activities, remain smooth, safe and comfortable.

The speech on the expansion of the Odd-EU region develops after several stakeholders held a coordination meeting in early June 2018 yesterday. The vehicle limitation system even strange on Jalan Jenderal Sudirman-MH Thamrin and part of Jalan Gatot Subroto which is ongoing since August 30, 2016 and then extended to Jalan S Parman – Jalan Gatot Subroto – MT Haryono Jalan – Jalan DI Panjaitan – Jalan A.Yani – Simpang Coca Cola or Jalan Perintis Independence Cempaka Putih. Then, Artery Pondok Indah South Jakarta, Jalan HR Rasuna Said South Jakarta, and Jalan Benyamin Sueb, Kemayoran, Central Jakarta.

After holding socialization in the third and fourth week of June 2018, the trial took place with marked portfolio distribution, [19459005Feighting Pancoran, South Jakarta, Monday (2/7) yesterday

Chief of the sub-director of law enforcement and implementation of the AKBP Budiyanto said that the trial of extending the odd-even system took place from July 2 to 31, 2018 Subsequently, the expansion of the Even-Odd system area will come into effect on August 1, 2018.

In addition to the expansion of the territories, the government also extended the odd-even system time . The extension of time does not apply only to new lines, but also to existing lines (Jalan Jenderal Sudirman-MH Thamrin and Gatot Subroto).

"The odd time is even extended from Monday to Sunday, from 18:00 to 21:00" Budiyanto.

The police did not institute legal proceedings or issue a ticket during the testing phase. The first week of the trial, the police badisted by Dishub officers from DKI Jakarta still doing socialization. Then, the second week of the offender will receive a warning or reprimand. The third and fourth week of the offenders will be diverted by alternative routes.

The new crossing is made with the entry into force of the odd-even system on August 1, 2018. Under section 287 of the Road Traffic Act, violators are subject to criminal penalties. Finally, the even-odd vehicle barrier system previously only applied to the location of Jalan Jenderal Sudirman-MH Thamrin and part of Jalan Gatot Subroto has been expanded to Jalan Parman S – Jalan Subroto Gatot – Jalan MT Haryono – Jalan DI Panjaitan – Jalan A.Yani – Simpang Coca Cola or Jalan Perintis Independence Cempaka Putih. Then Artery Pondok Indah South Jakarta, HR Jalan Rasuna Said South Jakarta, and Jalan Benyamin Sueb, Kemayoran, Central Jakarta

Then, the hour previously applied from Monday to Friday, the morning from 06:00 to 22:00 and the l & # Afternoon at 16.00 to 20.00 WIB, extended from 06.00 WIB to 21.00 WIB, every day.

Vehicles with odd number plate (odd number behind) may move on odd dates. Vice versa, same numbered on the same date. However, this does not mean that a vehicle with an odd plate should not work on the same date or vice versa. The vehicles remain operational, but outside the zone and outside the regular hours.

Meanwhile, exemptions for motor vehicles that can cross the Odd-Genap region are senior executive vehicles such as the president and vice president. DPR-DPD, President of the Supreme Court, President of the Constitutional Court, and President of the Judiciary Commission

Then, vehicles of leaders and officials from foreign countries and international institutions who are invited from the 39; State; Red Service Operational Vehicles or RI, as well as athletes and officials vehicles marked by Special Asian Games; firefighters; an ambulance carrying the sick; vehicles for badistance to victims of road accidents; public transport veneered in yellow; motorcycles: and vehicles for certain purposes according to the consideration of police officers such as vehicles carrying money or charging ATMs with police escort.

The expansion of the even odd zone is applied to conditions that require athletes to travel 30 minutes. This system took place during the Asian Games event. However, there is no possibility that the policy is permanent based on the results of future evaluations.

Here is another route or diversion of extension tests of even odd traffic restrictions:


The Pioneers of the Path of Independence – Jalan Suprapto – Jalan Salemba Raya – Jalan Matraman and so on
Then, Cikampek Toll Road – Jalan Sutoyo – Jalan Dewi Sartika and so on


Jalan RE Martadinata – Jalan Danau Sunter Barat – Jalan HBR Motik – Gunung Sahari Road and so on.
Then Jalan S Parman – Jalan Tomang Raya – Jalan Suryo Pranoto / Jalan Cideng and so on.

South 19659002] Jalan Warung Jati Barat – Jalan Pejaten Raya – Pasar Minggu Street – Soepomo Street – Saharjo Street and so on
Then Jalan RA Kartini – Jalan Ciputat Raya and so on .

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