This is the cause of the increase of the UN in Jagakarsa


JAKARTA, JAKARTA (IFT) – The Head of the Tax and Retirement Agency of Jakarta (BPRD) Faisal Syafruddin confirmed the increase of the Property Tax and Building ( PBB) in Jagakarsa, South Jakarta.

cluster constructed in such a way that the value of its taxable object (NJOP) is increased.

"The increase is done in the commercial area as Jagakarsa because there is now a new cluster that previously existed only empty ground, now," Faisal said at the hotel's DKI city Jakarta, in central Jakarta, Thursday (19/7/2018).

Read also: Viral pays the UN to Jagakarsa up 100% Rp 32 Million, It Clarification

In addition to the development of the Jagakarsa region, Faisal mentions that the rise is also affected by the adjacent areas of Cilandak and Pasar Minggu.

BPRD increases the NJOP based on the study of the prices of market and regional economic development

Do not let the people who own the land there, the land in the NJOP commercial area is still weak, no baseball just yes, we must improve so that There is an increase in the economic side, "he said.

See also: NJOP Rising, for good properties, taxes on income increased

Associated upload Twitter account @hotelsyariahJKT complaining about rising nations United on Jalan Durian Raya, Jagakarsa, reached 100%, Faisal said that the possibility of rising is the tariff.

"The increase of 100% is likely to increase the tariff, which was once the 0.1 (percentage) tariff, it rose to 0.2 (percentage) or 0.3 ( percentage), "he said

On the basis of Local Regulation No. 16 of 2011 on the Rural and Urban Land Tax (PBB-P2), the UN-P2 tariff is divided into four groups [19659002] NJOP this year has nothing compared to the first increase

The division is 0.01% for the NJOP less than 200 million Rp; NJOP of 200 million rupiahs up to 2 billion rupiahs, 0.2 percent of the tariff for NJOP Rp 2 billion to Rp 10 billion, and the tariff of 0.3% for 10 billion rupiahs. rupiahs of rice or more.

Previously, the Twitter account @hotelsyariahJKT had put online two UN documents.The photo paper on the left is not clearly visible.

L isied on Jalan Durian Raya, Jagakarsa. While in the photo on the right, only UN bill clearly visible 2018 Rp 32 986 215.

Read also: NJOP DKI Rise, Anies House Value DP 0 Rupiah The Solution

In the twit it was written ", the anis / uno, why do not we rise to the UN in the 100% jagakarsa, it is more cruel than ahok dong.This is changed his wisdom that afflict people.Hope to hear the cries of the people of the UN in 2017 pay UN 15,945,350 and the year 2018 United Nations payments of Rp 32,986,215. " try to clarify to the owner of the account @hotelsyariahJKT but the account is gone. [19659019] function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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