This is the most troubled iPhone model

[ad_1] – A study reveals that the iPhone 6 is proving to be the generation of iPhone that has the most problems. Whether it is the regular iPhone 6, the iPhone 6s to the highest series of iPhone 6s Plus.

This is what reveals the report from the data security firm, Blancco. The data shows that the iPhone 6 is in first position with a percentage of the problem of 22%. Below there is the iPhone 6s with a percentage of 16% and the iPhone 6s Plus with 9%.

From the research, it is known, there are some components that become problems of this generation iPhone 6 is the Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, headset, up to mobile data capabilities. According to Blancco badysts, one of the contributing factors is a software support incompatible with the hardware capabilities of this generation of the iPhone 6.

Citée KompasTekno of Apple Insider Sunday (14/6) / 2018), since its inception introduced the iPhone 6 is known to already have two major problems that envelop. First, the battery performance issues that affect the performance of the phone. Second is the problem of the operating system that is not in compliance with the hardware capabilities.

Not only that, in 2014 the generation of the iPhone 6 is also known to be very vulnerable to curvature. Even this case could become a viral and warm conversation in cyberspace.

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At that time, Apple insisted and maintained that the phone had no problem in terms of design . And the iPhone bengkoknya case only occurs on certain users. But a lawsuit filed in 2016 and declared the opposite.

Apple says the problem of the curved device is very rare. The Steve Jobs company also said that the design of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus using a steel / titanium metal material that is useful to strengthen the structure of the device.

But after that, many remarkable videos on YouTube have shown that the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 Plus fold easily with just a little bit of pressure.

Blancco's research seems to justify everything that happened to the iPhone 6. According to the results of this study, the iPhone 6 has become the generation of the most iPhone problematic. Even lost again with the quality of the iPhone 5s that only has a failure percentage of only 5 percent.

Overall this research shows that iPhone 8 Plus and iPhone X have become the most minimal problems of Apple products until this year. iPhone 8 and iPhone X are also pocketed the percentage error rate of only 3 percent. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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