This Kominfo Cause Decide Tik Tok Block – VIVA


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VIVA – The Ministry of Communications and Computer Science claims to have received three thousand complaints from the public regarding the negative content of the Tik Tok application. This report is one of the cornerstones of China's platform

"About three thousand reports of people who come to us," said Semuel Abrijani Pangerapan, general manager of the applications of the Information from the Ministry of Communications and Informatics to In addition to the community reports, Semmy, Semuel's familiar salvation, also explained that there were reports from several other parties, to know the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection and the Indonesian Commission for Child Protection

Semmy, Siber Kominfo Team and Internet Sensor Machine directly monitor the platform. As a result, Kominfo has found a lot of negative content in Tik Tok, such as badgraphy, immorality and religious harbadment.

Semmy stated that he blocked 8 DNS belonging to Tik Tok at that time. He also contacted Tik Tok to quickly clean the contents. Despite this, he admitted that the blockage was temporary until Tik Tok was ready to comply with Kominfo's requirements.

"The blockage is temporary until there is a total and negative content of the illegal Tik Tok content". Little information, Tik Tok is a platform of music videos and social networks launched in September 2016.

In order to expand abroad, Tik Tok management has decided to enter the Indonesian market in September 2017, which warmly welcomed the young people [19659006] Its popularity took off, where in June 2018, its users climbed to 150 million, while being the most downloaded application on iPhone.

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