William Montanez, a man from Florida, USA, faces the law because of gadgets. He secured the officer for refusing to unlock his pair of iPhones
According to Phone Arena Monday (16/7/2018), it all started from the events of the 21st June 2018, when a policeman stopped Montanez on the highway highway. Montanez was arrested because of a traffic violation.
MP Kalin Hall asks Montanez to open the car because the agents will do the checks. However, Montanez refused. Officers then mobilized a sniffer dog to sniff the vehicle aboard Montanez
Apparently, the dog found a marijuana haram. In addition to illicit drugs, also found a hidden weapon in four wheels with two iPhone 7 phones, a black and a red white.
Curious, the police asked Montanez to open both iPhones. The police want to see the conversation in it. Apparently, in one of the two iPhone there is a message bearing the phrase "OMG they found it."
Immediately saw the notification message, the police immediately asked Montanez for permission to open it. However, Montanez insists on refusing. The police intend to be forcibly opposed by Montanez's lawyer.
The trial begins. At the court, the judge ruled that the police could unlock the phone without the owner's consent. Prosecutors insisted that the defendant unlocks his iPhone 7 using a pbadword.
But, Montanez says that his iPhone 7 is still new. He can not remember the code to unlock it. Alambique, the judge sentenced Montanez to 180 days' imprisonment. He was deemed uncooperative during the trial.
Montanez's lawyer, Patrick Leduc, said the police had been arbitrary. The police can arrest anyone for any reason. "The weapon in Montanez's car is also that of his mother," said Beber Leduc at the badembly. [SN/IF]
Source: Phonearena
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