This reason KPU approves the results of the mediation with the UN – Politics


Today, Pkl. 22:55 WIB • Viewed 27 times • – Jakarta. Disputes between the UN and the KPU related to the bacaleg registration ended in mediation. KPU stated that this decision was made in order not to waste a lot of time

"First of all, if we follow the arbitration process, we spend a lot of time, it is a lot of our work, "said Jl Imam Bonjol, Jakarta Center, Tuesday (31/7/2018).

Ilham said that the re-registration of the UN bacal in 22 days that could be the problem may still be accepted by the KPU. Because, according to him, the problems in 22 do not include a crucial error.

"Because the 22nd of these elections is a matter of time, so it is not, for example, the question of the representation of women, other issues that then become the core crucial, or fundamental, of this appointment "says Ilham.

According to him, it is what makes that the Commission gives the opportunity to the UN to submit again the bacalegnya registration. Ilham said later, the UN has had time to submit and improve the bacaleg registration.

"So finally it's very important if we give the UN a chance to resubmit the re-registration process for the 22 dapil," says Ilham. "Then 22 days later, we give the opportunity to check back in. Time that they make three days to repair, until 7 to 4 pm," he continued. (dtc)

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