This reason Meghan no longer wears a shoulder bag

[ad_1] – Much has changed in the appearance of Meghan Markle after marrying Prince Harry, including the purse that she used

Marie Claire Quote, Little after being betrothed to Harry, Meghan still watches a new bag shoulder strap (chbadis). However, since the wedding, Meghan has never seen the model bag again.

The Duchess of Susbad usually wears a wallet, or not at all.

At Harper's Bazaar, the royalist Penny Junor says she suspects that when Meghan is still an actress and not a member of the royal family, make-up and other equipment in the shoulder bag -exactly as ordinary women do.

"Now, Meghan is a duchess, she needs nothing more useful than lipstick and perhaps a cell phone," says Junor

See also: Footwear that can not be worn 19659002] However, according to grammar expert William Hanson, did not rule out there is another reason behind it.

The attitude of Meghan, also interpreted by Kate Middleton, brought clutch to avoid an embarrbading moment by shaking hands.

At that time, he claimed, the kingdom had a protocol for not reaching out to members of the royal family (including the royalist nobles or all those who married the royal family), unless They do not reach out first.

And in fact, since her marriage to Harry, Meghan has not attended many meetings meet-and-greet that ask her to be free to shake hands with royal fans or receive a gift. , v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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