This young man sent nude photos of his ex-boyfriend to the victim's father because it had been decided and stopped by the police


TRIBUN-MEDAN.COM – The worrisome behavior of the ANS wants the NWS to want to return to arms, the IGT behavior eventually led to reporting to the police.

Bujang, 19, is said to have violated the ITE law after being reported by his ex-girlfriend's parents, following the distribution of half-naked NWS photos via the WhatsApp app.

This incident started on Monday (26/11/2018). NW parents, who were at home in Bangli, Bali, received a short message from the WhatsApp application in the form of a photo.

Once opened, it turns out that the picture is the NWS child half naked.

Finding this, NW immediately asked the truth to his daughter, NWS, about the figure in the photo.

By the NWS, this is justified if the figure on the picture is itself.

Decided, this girl spreads bad pictures of old friends to her parentsThe authors of the distribution of bad photos were examined at the police station in Bangli, Bali, Wednesday (28/11/2018). |

The NWS also explained if the photo was photographed in a room by his ex-girlfriend named IGT.

Upon hearing the NWS statement, the NW immediately became angry and intended to search for the existence of IGT.

But the intention was not realized and chose to report to the Bangli police station.

The investigator of Bangli police police, AKP Moh Akbar Samosir, was received by on Wednesday (28/11/2018) to confirm the existence of the complaint .

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