Thomas Lemar: Paul Pogba Our Leader


Thomas Lemar misses Paul Pogba has leadership in the French national team because he is happy to give a speech.

Thomas Lemar praises the great quality of Paul Pogba, especially in terms of leadership.

According to Atlético's new Atletico Madrid player, the Manchester United midfielder has the best qualities in terms of commanding a team.

Lemar recognizes the great influence of a Pogba in the French team still fighting for the 2018 World Cup (19659006) The players of Lemar, Pogba and Les Bleus will face Argentina in final of the 2018 World Cup this Saturday. "He guides us all, he smiles, he also gives us the best advice," Lemar told reporters

"He's a player who likes to take responsibility."


" I hope this performance lasts for him and also for us throughout the competition, "said the Monaco Penggawa of Monaco

a 25-year-old midfielder. 40 games in various competitions throughout last season for United pocketing seven goals.

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