Thousands of Microsoft fans want to surface

[ad_1] – The Andromeda project developed by Microsoft has recently been announced as canceled. We do not know why, but this news certainly decreases the expectations of fans of surface phones.

Not wishing to lose hope like this, the lovers of the smart phone of Microsoft launch a petition for the project Andromeda. Andromeda himself is Microsoft's initiation to wake the surface phone from the suspended animation.

City KompasTekno of The Next Web Wednesday (11/7/2018), the fans made a petition entitled "Show Microsoft the strong demand for Surface Phone or d & # 39; Andromeda ". The petition was created on the first page created by a user named Zachary Hinski

In just minutes after its creation, the petition received 1800 signatures from Microsoft enthusiasts. From KompasTekno's monitoring to date, the petition has reached 14 thousand and continues to grow.

"All Windows Phone fans want Microsoft to release an Andromeda surface or surface phone project whose information has been circulating in a place where the phone could become a tablet," writes Zachary in a petition

Microsoft phone?

"Money has power and if there are a lot of people who want to have the surface phone seen the leak, they will have to do it." Microsoft can not give investors any reason. "

Hinski also claimed that consumers will not be bothered to pay 799 US dollars to 999 US dollars or about 11.4 million Rp to 14.3 million Rp to own the goods. According to him, this price is always in line with the flagship of other brands currently available.

The Andromeda project itself has not been publicly presented by Microsoft, but the leak on the internet shows that this project is the effort of a company to make the latest smart phones.

Interestingly, the revealed design shows that this phone will have two screens that can be folded.So if deployed, this phone will go turn into a tablet.

Nevertheless, Microsoft has not responded to that.Even about the existence of the Andromeda project, Microsoft is still reluctant to comment. (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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