Thrill Asian Games 2018, KOI Hold Fun Run – VIVA


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VIVA – About 5,000 runners from various backgrounds poured into Gelora Bung Karno Complex (GBK) Jakarta, Sunday, July 1, 2018.

Runners attended OCA's Fun Run for Indonesia (The Asian Olympic Council) in collaboration with the Indonesian Olympic Committee (KOI) to host the Asian Games which last 50 days, exactly from August 18 to September 2, 2018.

Indonesia was held simultaneously in two Indonesian cities, Palembang and Jakarta which is also a hajatannya temple event of the Asian nations multi-event quadrennial.

The Fun Run route to Indonesia is around the GBK complex that starts in the West Plaza, towards Pintu Satu, crossing Jl. General Sudirman, and has returned to the GBK complex and has crossed the site of Athletics of the Asian Games. After that, participants will go through Jl. Youth Gate and reinstated at West Plaza

The competition started exactly at 7:00 am after the opening by KOI President, Erick Thohir. Puan Maharani, Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture, Tono Suratman, Chef de Mission of the 2018 Asian Games CdM, Koman Pol Syafruddin, Secretary of the Minister of Youth and Sports, Gatot Dewabroto

Puan, the promotion Asian Games 2018 is going pretty well. Many people felt they understood that Indonesia will be the scene of Asian athletes. "Alhamdulillah the promotion of heat or mendemamkan Asian Games to the Indonesian people is good enough where the society has been socialized, because the Asian Games are not only the work of the government, but all the Indonesian people wear the name of the nation on the international scene ". 19659006] "Insya Allah on August 18, Indonesia will host the Asian Games again since the first of 1962. And today Fun Run for Indonesia is not only held in Jakarta but also in Palembang, "he added. (mus)

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