TABLOIDBINTANG.COM – Komika Kemal Palevi commented on the closure of the Tik Tok application. Kemal Palevi regretted that the Ministry of Communication and Information Technologies was too hasty to respond to the request of Tik Tok who had negative content, especially related to Bowo Alpenliebe through the application. Tiktok mah is nothing compared to youtube, instagram, twitter, facebook, which is a lot worse, " write the man who is also known as the actor, in his uploads, wednesday (4/7).
According to Kemal Palevi the negative content of Tik Tok can be overcome by the education of users, especially for millennial children.
Kemal's position of Palevi against Tik Tok Blocking. (Instagram)
This is the millennial era, the era of social media Change time, the change of the era Adaptation How to use shortcuts, directly block2 Provide an education on the judicious use of applications, it is more useful, "he continues.
Kemal Palevi also gave contributions that could be made in the education of millennial generations s related to the use of Tik Tok.
"Create campaigns, make commercials, such as dangerous campaigns using drugs and unprotected bad, if that continues, when young children want to go ahead, father-in-law," writes -he.
In the download mentioned above, Kemal Palevi sadly admitted and compared the Tik Tok application with other applications that are also considered to bring negative effects to the minor users.
Tik Tok Toko (Supriyanto / tabloidbintang.com)
"I'm sorry, I should have been installing Awkarin with Anya Geraldine to be called and make a statement, just block the same youtube instagram, " cover.
As is known, the viral Burgo Alpenoebal, the program Awkarin, and Anya Geraldine are also viral through their content in social media. At that time, many regarded their content as too vulgar for the age of minors. Netizens complained to the Indonesian Commission for the Protection of Children (KPAI) and both programs were eventually summoned to receive explanations of positions deemed to be contrary to social, religious and ethical norms and violating the law. badgraphy and badgraphic action.
(nda / bin)
Author Nanda Indri Hadiyanti
edited by Binsar Hutapea
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